Men's Ministry


Sunday 10AM Worship Service

The Men's Ministry of Rand Church

Rand Memorial Congregational Church is committed to encouraging the growth of our spiritual leaders through a balanced program of worship, biblical teaching, fellowship, and evangelism. Keep an eye on our events page to see upcoming events for the men of Rand Memorial Congregational Church.

Call George Moskevitz @ (207-468-2691) For more details!

Mens Breakfast

A place for men to meet together, share a homemade breakfast and have meaningful conversation, looking into the Word of God. This is a wonderful time of good food, good camaraderie and spiritual encouragement.

We meet on the first Saturday of the month at the church. Everyone is welcome to come and bring a friend.

For more information call George Moskevitz @ (207-468-2691)

The work guys

After men’s breakfast, we often stick around and attack some of the repairs and projects at the church. If there’s a big project needed, we get it done!